
  • The Last of Us

    When a job goes terribly wrong, the Fairy Tail guild is left to pick up the pieces. Mourning the deaths of their guildmates, Lucy can't seem to find the strength to move forward. But she comes to realize one person understands. His madness was her mercy, and she finally began to hope that maybe he could make her heart beat again.

  • Tomorrow's Destiny

    Everyone would get their happy ending. Even if she wasn't a part of it.

  • Learning How to Lose You

    AU: There were a few things Sango had learned over the past two years. She had figured out how to function on a precious thirty minutes of sleep, baby giggles were the sweetest sound on earth, and reading bedtime stories always led to adventures. But there was one lesson in her life that she knew she would never really master - learning how to lose him. Sequel to Forever and Always

  • Transcending

    AU: Across a millennium, her only salvation was to see him again, and yet, he was also her damnation.

  • From the Backseat

    AU: When you're sitting shotgun, you're sittin' pretty and free, but you learn to love from the backseat. One-shot.