

  • Intrusion

    What happens in the Room of Requirement, stays in the Room of Requirement. Until it doesn't, that is.

  • Friends?

    Another night, another Draco and Harry hang-out at night. You know how sworn enemies are.

  • Not Like Himself

    Harry, as always, gets up to get some hot chocolate, though his feet take him somewhere completely else.

  • Late Night Meet-ups

    Once again Harry's going to the astronomy tower in the middle of the night, and coincidentally that's a place Draco Malfoy likes to go as well, so coincidentally they meet.

  • Fred and George's Mysterious Pills

    Nothing could have predicted the monstrosity of a day that was about to come.

  • Not That Bad

    Harry is starting to actually get tired at night, but decides one night to still go out, obviously for a random walk that is by no means an attempt to find someone.

  • Late Night Walk

    Harry is sleepy for once, but goes on his usual trip to the kitchens to get hot chocolate anyway. Hot chocolate is definitely the reason he's out of bed.

  • Late Night Encounter

    Harry doesn't come across Draco on his way down to the kitchens as usual, but he does meet him on his way back.

  • Invisibility Cloak

    Harry, once again, stumbles across Draco on his regular trip to the kitchens.

  • Hot Chocolate

    Harry goes out for some hot chocolate in hopes of it making him sleepy and bumps into someone on the way, literally.

  • Out After Curfew

    Harry can't sleep so he decides to go get some hot chocolate, because why not? He's not the only one out of bed though.