
  • Catalina of Aragon (Emma's Six Book Four)

    Emma and Sarah Jane are now in 1509. Their mission is beginning. But with so many people to encounter and events to keep track of, can they successfully make it through Catalina's reign?

  • Emma's Six: The Final Year (Emma's Six Book 3)

    Emma Smith-White has started year eleven at Park Vale Comprehensive, but she can tell something is wrong. Instead of feeling excited about going back in time, she feels nothing but dread. Can she prepare herself for the time ahead?

  • Emma's Six: New Adventures (Emma's Six book 2)

    School is starting soon, and Emma is embarking on a new adventure with her friends- and her new little brother.

  • Emma's Six book 1

    Emma Smith-White is not your average human. She is only half-human. Throughout her life, she remembers reading about the six wives of Henry VIII and wanting to give them a better life. Now, she is given the chance of a lifetime, and she comes across it unexpectedly.

  • The Ever After Adventures

    Sarah Jane, Cerise and the others get a shock when Ruby comes to them for help. Why is Ruby asking them, and is everything that she used to be buried in the past?

  • Cerise's tale

    Cerise, Raven and Lizzie have to work together to create the best thronecoming outfit for when they go home. They begin to plan together during a game of wonderland croquet. Meanwhile, Daring decides to help Cerise to make it the best night of her life, but will his plan work?