

  • The Brainiac

    We all know the about the adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione, But what if, at the same time, there were two other students at Hogwarts? students that the books and movies passed over, although their adventures with just as amazing? Students with the names Sherlock Holmes and John Watson?

  • Children of Time

    I haven't done a Doctor Who story in FAR too long, and I never did a school story, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Hope you enjoy!

  • The Impossible Task

    I haven't done a diary story in a while. Time for another one! Honestly, that's all I have to say right now. Just writing b/c I was bored. Also my first love story. No, it's not Destiel. I'll get to that eventually, stop worrying. Hope you enjoy!

  • On the Side of the Angels

    As I won the other contest, I'm quite confident about entering this one. The theme is "Alternative theories for how Sherlock survived the fall." Getting a bit creative, quite excited about this story.

  • The Mind Stone

    Have I not done a Marvel story? Sad. Very sad. Shame on me. Well, part of it was because I simply had NO IDEAS. So today I watched the avengers. One touch of Loki's spear to an innocent victim gave me, simply, the idea of a lifetime. What, simply, was Loki taking all that time DOING before he led his siege on the city? Maybe this. Hope you enjoy!

  • The night Our House Burned Down

    Never done an AU. This was a request and I'm super excited! Sorry the first chapter's so short, but that means I'll be able to get the second one up very soon.

  • The not quite weeping angel

    How have I not done any Doctor Who stories yet? Shame on me. Wrote this to celebrate seeing the premiere tonight. Hope you enjoy!

  • The Car and the Trenchcoat Man

    I don't know about this one, I haven't done a one shot in a while, and never really wrote a story in the third person, but it seemed right for this one. Hope you enjoy!

  • The Godfather

    With John and Mary away on Honeymoon, Sherlock invited Archie over to spend the week. A funny and heartwrenching week will ensue.

  • Small Hunters

    When Cas and Dean miracolously get turned into small children, Cas keeping all of his knowledge but Dean having the brain of a three-year-old (and quite a small kid crush on Cas to go along with it) Sam has to take charge and figure out what got them like this-and how to turn them back.

  • The Archangel Network

    Really short One-shot. I don't know. Though this was worth writing out.

  • The Fire of Science

    "The next sentence to come out of his mouth was what would change this from a simple case and experiment to the most dangerous case and experiment we've ever had to go through-but what also led to a fabulous new friendship and adventure. At least, I'd say that. not sure what Sherlock would say." What's the sentence, you ask? Well, you'll just have to read and find out!

  • The Problem with Younger Brothers

    What would happen when television's two favorite older brothers meet? Adventures, mishaps, and hilarity ensues. Character list might be wrong, I might add people (or not get to them at all) as we go on, but you know, this is going to be one of the funner stories I've done.

  • A possible but very heartwrenching Supernatural Ending

    An entry for a friend's contest. Read and review and do all that good stuff as you'd like!

  • An Even More Heartwrenchinger Ending Than That Other One

    Made it into the Semifinals of the contest, yay! Friend told me she liked the direction I was going and to "Keep it up" *wink* I think I finally understand what you mean. Enjoy crying your eyes out!