Belle D'Arcy

  • Letters from Mexico

    Jane and Lisbon finally get a couple of days to themselves. This is how they choose to spend their afternoon. Set right after the Season 6 Finale. One shot.

  • Dazzling Stars

    Set at the end of S03E09 Silence. Kate and Daniel stargaze and discuss life. Canon fluff. Rated T. One shot.

  • Tea and a warm blanket

    Lisbon is tired after having had to kill two criminals, and she has lowered her defenses. So she agrees to go with Jane to his place. What does the magnetic consultant have in mind for her? Just after S01E02 Red Hair and Silver Tape

  • Ultimately uneventful

    Reid probably saved both their lives in that tiny locked room. But Hotch taking off his jacket definitely helped to keep him focused and motivated. Will the young man be honest with his boss? Situated during S03E14 Damaged. I used some of the dialogue and built the story around it. Set after my previous fanfic, 'A princess to the rescue', so I suggest you read that one first.

  • A princess to the rescue

    'Haley's filing for divorce. I've been served.' Takes place just after S03E11 Birthright. JJ and Reid happen to have the same idea about how to cheer Hotch up.