Cabbit and the Weasel

  • Constellations

    Andromeda was a fresh start for Alec Ryder after the death of his beloved wife and fall from grace in the Milky Way in more ways then one. "Be better." Is what his wife told him. So he will be. Lyra Ryder isn't a fighter. She was never going to be some great war hero like her estranged father. But now with Andromeda less than ideal she may have to set the pen down and pick up a gun

  • Den Mother

    The Young Justice crew is getting a new Den Mother this month. However, instead of seeing a senior hero they have worked with before, a new hero is coming to Happy Harbor to keep Mt. Justice from devolving into teenage chaos. His name is Danny Phantom and he's only seventeen years old.

  • Just Another Day in His Dreams

    Aria completely trust Zevran and Alistair not to peek at her while the three take a dip in the water. Zevran has no qualms disobaying her about this though, despite any lasting harm it could do to him from the silly mage.

  • Three Levels

    Kakashi shows Sakura early on in her life just what types of kisses there are and which one she's only allowed to give him. WARNING 14 year age gap (as you should already know)!