World Clasher

  • Rise Of The Dead season 1

    In a world where the dead lurks, survivors will either unite together, or die in numbers. Two brothers Jack and Jayden may be humanities last hope. But is there more to know about the world of the dead than just walking corpse? What ongoing story is hidden behind it?- Negotiated and given to by Jackiefrost1234- different idea and storyline though! Suck at summaries! Zombie!Au

  • As You Go

    Max has never understood why his dream was to become a villain... until one day when a dark figure preys on him, accusing that Max Octavious Thunderman is his son to be... Hank is becoming a pissed father, the family including Phibi is confused, and Max is not so sure what side he wants to stand on... Is being evil really so great? Is becoming evil his only option? RATED T