
  • Overwatch Recruitment Program

    When the world is going into disarray, Blizzard and the US Military created a program within Overwatch to recruit the top players. Follow the stories of these recruits as they go from being ordinary players to the very characters they play, risking their lives while promoting the game. (Female TF Characters) (Rated M for nudity, self pleasure, and/or mild sex)

  • Teen Titans: Phosphophyllite Chronicles

    After a Lunarian cast a spell that opened a portal, Phos and Cinnabar get thrust into a new world. Separated, it's up to Phos to find their friend and get back home, with the help of some new and special friends. (Phos/Raven Friendship)

  • Transformers Prime: Invasion

    With the Autobots scattered and their base is destroyed, Jasper is vulnerable to a Decepticon attack. Will a small team hold out on their own against the ravenous Cons and Shockwave? Complete!

  • Transformers Infinite

    Due to an unfortunate attack, Sari, Jack, Miko, and Raf all got sucked through a ripped tear and into a sky city called Columbia. Now in order to escape a Prophet and the Vox, they must join forces with a private detective and a mysterious girl. (Transformers/Bioshock Infinite crossover) (LuisJM/FictionFan1024 collab) (Raf/Elizabeth pairing)

  • Transformers Prime Season 3 Episode 3: Headmaster

    After what Team Prime had been through in Darkmount, they headed to Sumdac Systems, per Sari's request, to give them a bit of a break. But during their visit, they encountered a new threat and MECH making their return. Meanwhile, Jack needs to learn about controlling his new Prime powers with the help of Optimus. COMPLETE!