
  • Red Heads

    Includes a frustrated Otto, a scheming Shelby, and a container of red hair dye.

  • Stolen Moments

    The first time Rex stole Six's phone, and all the times after. Set during season one, minor spoilers for multiple episodes up until 'What Lies Beneath.'

  • An Old Enemy

    There was one person Jack never expected to receive help from.

  • Legally

    Maximilian Nero hadn't done anything legally for over ten years. But some things just had to be done officially to really have meaning. He was currently filling out papers for one of those kind of things.

  • Some Idea To Replace My Life

    For the most disobedient angels, Naomi writes entirely new identities.

  • If My Heart Was A House

    Aziraphale as Crowley as Fledgling Angels.

  • Camping Arrangements

    Prompt: Team JNPR is camping, it storms and halfway through the night one tent collapses so Jaune and Pyrrha have to share a tent and/or sleeping bag. Slight Jaune/Pyrrha and Ren/Nora.

  • Lessons In Transfiguration

    Professor Pike invents a new transfiguration ray, and Otto really shouldn't have let Shelby brake in and try it out…