
  • Unidentified

    With the advancements of robot masters and other scientists being influenced by Dr. Tomas Light, there are more robot masters being made for a multitude of different reasons. This one is just told through a more, unique one. Watch and see what the robot master Grim goes through since day zero of her creation up until the Great Dr. Albert Wily kidnaps her and makes her someone else.

  • Rock Man X 9: The White Virus and The Legends

    Even since the events of Rock Man X 8, Axl has been acting very weird and violent even with the removal of whatever jumped into the gem of his helmet. With this, Axl ends up disappearing and a small group of Maverick Hunters appear who call themselves The Legends, their leader being a figure that hides being a cloak and happens to be a female. Who are they and where was Axl now?