

  • Only the Lonely Hearts

    Hermione Granger is fresh from a heart break and not willing to deal with men in general if they aren't her two best friends. She is taking a break from all things emotional including needy parents, needy best friends, needy ex-boyfriends, and needy jobs. What she really needs is some time to recharge her batteries without any outside influences! She wants to take some time of self

  • We All Fall Down Sometimes

    He couldn't deal with his life anymore. With his mistakes. With the expectations people had of him. He was lost and couldn't continue on anymore. Then she saved him.

  • A Charmed Notebook

    Lily Evans is in Gryffindor. Rhiannon Belladonna is in Ravenclaw. The two meet on the Hogwarts express and become friends with the help of common enemies, common friends, and three charmed notebooks. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • A Kreacher Story

    A tale of Kreacher that spans from Ootp to Post DH. SPOILERS! It is a love tale for Kreacher and that story of his change of heart told from his perspective. PLEASE REVIEW! Includes HarryKreacherWinkyRonHermione

  • Christmas Cookies

    Harry has messed something up. The trouble is...he has no idea what. He tries to make it better but it ends up making it worse. He turns to Hermione for advice on how to warm up his holidays. Angst and Fluff. Oneshot

  • No Graffiti At Hogwarts

    James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter are trying to return to the Gryffindor Common Room after a prank gone wrong. Then they run into Lily Evans!

  • Breaking The Moon

    When a five year old girl gets hold of her father's wand nothing can happen but distaster. Can a stranger she meets of the Ministry of Magic help her out? Super Short

  • Revenge Has A Price

    Katie Bell and Oliver Wood team up to get a little revenge against the Slytherin Quidditch team.

  • Two Men and A Baby Gift

    Remus Lupin and Sirius Black have waited until the last moment to buy their close friends James and Lily a gift for their baby. With the party in only a few hours the two visit a Muggle shopping and try to find the perfect gift.

  • The World's Worst Gift Giver

    Hermione hates any holiday were gifts are exchanged because Ron is so bad at giving them. She privately thinks he may be the world's worst gift giver. What will he give her this year. Oneshot.

  • Easy as Pie Or Maybe Treacle Tart

    Harry invites Ginny over to his house in Godric's Hallow. He has grand plans to cook her the finest meal even until he learns that he just can't cook. HarryGinny one shot. AndromedaLittle Teddy also included. DH Spoilers