
  • A Dead Man's Requirements

    Sirius falls through the veil and finds himself in an area of what he thinks is limbo. His only companions are the many treasures he finds there and a mysterious disembodied voice. Rated T for views expressed by characters. A/U

  • How to Use Your Lips

    In which a thirteen year-old Lucius Malfoy ponders and explains the use of lips. One-Shot

  • Blackbirds

    At Bill and Fleur's wedding, Viktor Krum learns a lesson about judging a book or bird by its cover. Viktor/Luna One shot shippy, comfort/hurt

  • I'll walk you home

    After Fred dies, George begins to let himself go. Everyone begins to see him as a coward as he drinks himself deeper into a hole. But Angelina still sees him as the happy jokster she fell in love with. Based off the song "Walk You Home" by Karmina.

  • Couldn't Have Done it Without You

    OneShot: An exploration of the deeper side of Fred and George's relationship and the bond that separates them from most sibling relationships, what makes them more than just brothers, but also makes them best friends.