
  • The Whitebeard Pirates' Playground

    One-shots centered around the Whitebeard Pirates. With of course in absolute focus, our dear Fire boy and the lovely Phoenix. If anyone has any ideas of their own, feel free to let me know! I can't promise anything, but if inspirations hits, I may be able to make a One-shot for it.

  • Dark flames

    Compilation of all stories with a darker/sadder theme, but this doesn't mean that happy endings don't exist! Main focus will be the Whitebeard Pirates' most handsome duo: Marco and Ace!

  • Our happy family

    Random Marco/Ace ideas about their lives in a Modern world, going from meeting to dating to getting married and even parenthood. (Occasional Ace/Marco) Chapter contents can go from extreme cuteness to a bit of angst, BUT everything has a happy ending in the same chapter, warnings will be given if the content of a chapter is anything else besides happy. Jumps in time will be made.

  • Unseeing eyes

    Blind Ace Au! Another compilation, one of stories about Ace's life if he was blind. He's of course together with Marco!

  • It's Magic!

    One tail... Two tails... One ... Two... One ... He closed his eyes to rub them, he was definitely seeing double... Marco was quite sure he had gone to bed next to only one merman last night...

  • Omegaverse-stories

    Stories related to the Omegaverse. Main-characters are Marco and Ace.

  • Fiery Scales on the Moby

    Compilation of Merman Ace on the Moby. Follow up bonus stories on Fiery scales. Feel free to share your own idea's!

  • Fiery Scales

    A hand stuck out from under the debris, Marco was working fast but efficient to free the person, but where he should have found legs, bright orange scales greeted him instead.

  • Please, purr for me

    Omega's purr when they feel happy – yet there are always exceptions. (Omega Ace - Alpha Marco)