
  • Destiny: Book 2

    Fresh off a victory against the legendary, Triple H, Cedric Harvey AKA Ced finally gets his wish and gets a chance to dabble into the world title picture and into the main event scene of WWE. Follow along as he makes goes through his journey to become the greatest WWE Superstar of all-time while also dealing with the responsibilities of having a family. [AU]

  • Charge: MCU Edition

    In a universe full of hatred and despair and darkness, sometimes we need a bit of hope. We need to see a light. And it's in the son of a exiled alien king and a human woman that we find that light. That light to lead us out of the darkness. With extraordinary abilities, Cedric Harvey uses his abilities to help mankind and protect his world. He is Charge and this is his story. [AU]

  • Destiny

    Cedric Harvey AKA Ced, the 2-time World Champion, has finally been signed to the WWE. His lifelong dream has been realized and this was it. This was the big leagues. And would be able to accomplish a lot by himself. Or would someone come along and join him on his path to greatness? Or will that someone get in the way? Find out now in Destiny [AU]

  • Goldnova

    After being sent on an exploration mission that mistakenly sent him to Earth but it wasn't the earth in his universe but rather another earth in another universe, Adonis finds himself on a world he knows nothing about with no purpose or mission. And for the first time in forever, he has to live life with no plan until he can find a way to get home, if he can make it home... [AU,OC]