
  • New Gods Redux

    Naruto and Sasuke had to move on. Their life in the Elemental Nations was over, but their life in another place and time was just beginning. A rewrite of "The New Gods of DxD" with re-imagined events, twists, and characterization. The pairings, for those of you who read the original, are the same. Contains crossovers from other anime/manga than the ones listed as well.

  • The Severed Becomes Whole

    Her first true defeat, at the hands of a Tarnished warrior. She knew not the origins of this person, but his might was plain for all to see. Now all there was to do was wait for the final blow... a blow that would curiously never come. "Why does thou not strike, warrior?"

  • Dante's Family

    "Isn't that enough, dad? I'm already 16, I don't want to spend all my time fighting you… or mom." Dante has a family. He has no idea how a guy like him was able to pull it off, but... he wouldn't have it any other way. Rated T for guns and swords (it's DMC of course). Post-DMC5.

  • Nonsense

    It didn't make any sense how he made her feel. It didn't make any sense how they even got here, but she supposed that's how it's always been.

  • Upside Down

    Another ordinary day for Saitama turns not-so-ordinary when a monster in disguise sneaks up on him and shoots him with a beam. It doesn't hurt him, but it does send him to a place where things aren't quite as he remembers them...