
  • Our Choice, Our Rules

    An Alternate Universe of a Charmed/Supernatural Crossover - Not all of God's Drafts are thrown away. Some of them are aware of what Chuck is doing. This is one of them.

  • Across the Sea

    After Shepard makes her choice, she finds herself reunited with someone she thought she lost.

  • The Diary

    What really happened in Kakariko Village? The old man talks about the mysterious man that can see the truth. The Well keeps secrets, but why was there a dungeon? What happened to the Sheikah? This unnamed guard tells his story. His story was lost over the years, only written in the diary that he kept when he was thrown in prison centuries ago for daring to expose the secret.

  • 10 Years (Give or Take)

    Ignoring the events of Sweet Valley Confidential, this is what really happened to the graduates of Sweet Valley University.

  • Three Choices

    Shepard has to make the hardest decision of their life.

  • Farewell Shepard

    Miranda, depressed about losing Shepard decides to make a life change.

  • This Is The End, Right?

    Takes place after the series finale. Chloe, she faces eternity, but is it?

  • Betrayed

    After Crimson's Death, Soldier Boy heads to a bar to forget.

  • Do We Have A Soul?

    Takes place in Mass Effect 3, Legion's mission in Rannoch. Legion has some questions.

  • You

    Jack in Shepard's bed.

  • End of an Era

    Garrus' final letter to Shepard.

  • Hello

    A disgruntled person watches their hated rival.

  • Visiting An Old Friend

    Grown up twins, Hugs and Tugs visit their old friend at the cemetery.

  • Movie Night

    Dean isn't impressed with Hollywood these days.

  • Fate Is Never Written But Rewritten

    Events of Terminator 2 and Salvation mashed up timelines. John and Sarah Conner talk about the Present.