
  • We'll Build Sonnets in Pretty Rooms

    Haruno Sakura never imagined her Mr. Right would be unavailable. AU. OOC.

  • Here

    "So where were you born?" Dean asks, intrigued despite himself. He hopes Sam doesn't come blundering in soon; they can't afford being distracted by his nerdy questions when Dean has more important matters to know.

  • Morning, Sunshine

    "Sometimes, I play this game. What Would Cas Say? But since you're no longer in the game, I just think of whatever you've ever said to me and sort of apply it to the situation at hand. You don't believe me? Look at this. Hang on."

  • I Just Saved Harry Potter

    A single wink at Malfoy Manor changes the course of the war.

  • Faith

    Dean only tells him about Billie after the case is solved. He tells him how he's lost faith, because why wouldn't he? That's the worst part of this whole thing, Dean thinks savagely. All he wants to do is scream and rage and break and move mountains and oceans and wage a war against Heaven itself – "Hello, Dean."