
  • Sparkyville USAEpisode 30: Kevin Is 'Found'

    After weeks on the run, Kevin turns up in Montana. That's the good news. The bad news is he's armed with a gun and is low on cash. The worst news is that he decides to hold up a bank.

  • Sparkyville, USAEpisode 29: Desertion

    The military police is on the hunt for Kevin after he deserted the Marine Corps. Charlie cooperates with the investigation and provide any information they can. Monica meanwhile gets bad news after a screening of her breasts. She and Mary are devastated by the info.

  • Sparkyville, USAEpisode 28: Kevin Goes AWOL

    Lance Corporal Kevin snaps after Cormac is promoted to Corporal. Because he wasn't doing what he was told, Kevin was demoted back to Private First Class. After this "slight", Kevin is wanted for desertion.

  • Sparkyville, USAEpisode 27: The Redemption of Violet Gray

    Back at HCWCF, Violet befriends an inmate who is struggling with drug dependency. She even talks said inmate out of taking her own life when the withdrawal symptoms become too much for her to bear. The warden notices the change in Violet and appoints her as a trustee.

  • An Even Meaner Girl

    The mean girl trio (Violet, Patty, and Lucy) finally meets their match when a girl named Lisa moves to town and is even meaner than they are combined. The main difference is she reserves her meanness for just them and ONLY them. However what really sets her apart from them is one big thing: she has a crush on Charlie Brown!

  • Sparkyville, USAEpisode 26: The Perils of Schroeder Klimt

    Schroeder learns his fate. All of his friends wonder why he let himself ruin his whole life with his obsession with Lucy. Linus contemplates revenge, but is talked out of it by Charlie. Meanwhile, Frieda helps Pig Pen out by making his place more accessible by wheelchair.

  • Sparkyville, USAEpisode 25: Pig Pen Goes Home

    Pig Pen is finally released from the hospital and can go home. He and Frieda have reunited and vow never to let anyone or anything break them up again. During Schroeder's trial, in which he pled not guilty due to mental defect, Lucy recounts how her obsession with him turn into his obsession with her, and while she was driven by love, he was driven by hate.

  • Sparkyville, USAEpisode 25: Pig Pen Goes Home

    Pig Pen is finally released from the hospital and can go home. He and Frieda have reunited and vow never to let anyone or anything break them up again. During Schroeder's trial, in which he pled not guilty due to mental defect, Lucy recounts how her obsession with him turn into his obsession with her, and while she was driven by love, he was driven by hate.

  • Sparkyville, USAEpisode 23: Awaken

    Pig Pen finally awakes from his coma, only to find that he's paraplegic due to his accident. Schroeder is interrogated about his kidnapping of Lucy and why he did what he did. Charlie and Pat get things ready for the baby on the way. He also proposes marriage to Pat.

  • The Mystery of Emily

    After seemingly dancing with this girl named Emily during dance lessons, Charlie Brown wonders why only he, and Snoopy, can only see her. With Linus's help, he dives into the mystery of the girl known as Emily and what her origins are. (Based on a suggestion by Zahir890)

  • Descent Into Darkness-Endgame!

    After narrowly escaping capture, the Scorpion flees to Australia. Plus he has kidnapped Sam's daughter and former Lizard Lady Gertie. With FBI agent Mara Hendrix, the Serpent Sisters, and Spiders leaders Black Widow and Orbweaver, head Down Under. (Special guests Jadan and Joey Grandin by Dolores The Dip, Zac and Andrew by Zahir890, and Tyrone by Animatic Psychopath)

  • PEANUTS: The Next ChapterEpisode 90: Goodbye Janice

    In the season finale, Janice is on death's door, and Linus, Eudora, and the rest of the gang make her final days as fun and comfortable as possible. Linus is inconsolable and Eudora is there to support him. The Serpent Sisters, Spiders, and Hendrix find out that the Scorpion had escaped out of the country, but at the expense of Hanks, Hendrix's rogue agent.

  • PEANUTS: The Next ChapterEpisode 89: Chicken Pox-R-Us

    Rerun is down in the dumps when he has chicken pox. In a strange chain of events, his girlfriend Piper, and his friends Jonah and Dani also have the chicken pox. Linus gets a surprise when his old friend Janice Emmons returns, but it is not a happy reunion. Janice's cancer had returned and she is on hospice care.

  • PEANUTS: The Next ChapterEpisode 88: Marcie or Melanie

    Franklin makes his choice between Marcie and Melanie. Plus, Carlson, the other guy, besides Hanks, involved with the Scorpion who worked for the FBI, is found, but what will he have to say?

  • PEANUTS: The Next ChapterEpisode 87: Talk About Your Love Triangles

    Marcie and Melanie discuss Franklin. It turns out that Melanie still harbors feelings for him. How will Marcie react? The Serpents, Spiders, and Hendrix start mapping out their plans to stop the Scorpion once and for all. (Special guest Claudia by Dolores The Dip)

  • PEANUTS: The Next ChapterEpisode 86: The Return of Melanie

    Franklin and Marcie get the shock of their lives when Melanie, Franklin's ex, moves back to town. How will she react when she learns that Franklin and Marcie are now dating. Also Snoopy and the Beagle Scouts go on another hike through Monte Woods, where they may or may not encounter BIGFOOT! (Special guest Claudia by Dolores The Dip)

  • It's Spring Break, Charlie Brown!

    The Brown family, along with Frieda and Michael, goes to Florida and stays on the ocean for some fun in the sun. Along for the ride is Charlie Brown, Sally, and Wyatt's cousin Heidi, who finds love while there. Snoopy, meanwhile, blows the locals away with his magic show, which had improved since he once made his owner invisible (see It's Magic, Charlie Brown).

  • PEANUTS: The Next ChapterEpisode 85: Lizard Ladies 20

    The Serpent Sisters and the Spiders fear that a new version of the Lizard Ladies may be forming when small crimes start happening around Sparkyville. They are determined to stop this new gang if they are, in fact, a new version of the Lizards. Vanessa and Mitchell double dates with Charlie Brown and Frieda. (Special guest Tyrone by Animatic Psychopath)

  • One Kick Too Many

    After Marcie kicks Charlie Brown in the shin for seemingly insulting her after she asked him to the movies (all he asked was if it was a double feature), his leg ends up in a cast. Worse is that he doesn't talk to Marcie after that. It is up to Peppermint Patty and Linus to patch things up with the two of them.

  • Finding a New Partner

    Based off the story arc when Charlie Brown's school collapsed and the gang had to go to Peppermint Patty's school temporarily. After a turbulent time sitting next to Peppermint Patty, Charlie Brown requests to sit elsewhere.