Based from the drama Scarlet Heart, revolves around our main antagonist, 3rd Prince Wang Yo who was cursed of a strange pregnancy by a meteor attack. Cringe?dont read it, love it?read it, easy as that... By the way, enjoy!...
Jade Princess was born of heartless human prince's womb, for her grave sins, in order to ascend the heaven back, she must suffer, and become the wise empress of Goryeo, the favoured land of the Jade Emperor. Ascended to born as human princess with no memories of her previous life, enduring toxicity of her life until they try to crossed her and caused her to give up on the heaven.
Revolves around Princess Ha Eun, Daughter of the snobbish Goryeo's 3rd Prince Wang Yo, who existed in the 3rd Prince's "womb" by a cursed of heaven. Ha Eun is immortal who commited gravely sins, and was banned from heaven and born of heartless human prince to suffer with no memories of her past life in Heaven realm. Enduring toxicity of life of human princess until she gave up heav
Revolves around the full-blooded daughter of our main antagonist, 3rd Prince Wang Yo, Princess Haeun or Later Hanbyeolhwa, whom in previous life was a maiden who stands with right and just, struggling being loyal subject to her king, and enduring her father being overprotective towards her out of hatred to suffocate her as a vengeance for causing him through hell by existing in him