
  • The Cursed Royals

    King Rhaegar ruled the realm, with just and honor, songs and tourneys, pride and prizes. In the sixteen years of his peaceful rule, he had slightly forgotten to worry about the Visenya for whom he'd made the realms to bleed. Raised by her uncle, Lyarra knew little about the lies and secrets of the court. And to survive, she began playing the game. Fem!Jon

  • The Vampyre Kingdom

    Centuries back, the Vampyre King Aegon took the lands of the Seven Kingdoms with a promise to eradicate the vampyres' infestation. The lands flourished, men grew plump, babes died only when they became old. Now, down in the North, there are new sightings, but the King has grown reclusive. So Lyanna travels South, to ask for his help, to right the wrong for her family.