
  • Metallic Fox

    Naruto Uzumaki had woken up from a Coma and has lost his happy go lucky attitude. He is blessed and cursed with a new special bloodline. This adventure will be an AU and many things will unfold for this new story of Naruto. Naruto X ?/OP Naruto Team 7 Bashing/Serious/Dark/Blood thirsty Naruto/Anbu Naruto/Steel Release/Original Plot

  • Crimson Fox

    Naruto and Jiraiya had brought both Tsunade and Shizune back to the hidden leaf village. Little do they know, Sasuke is on the brink of snapping at his defeat from Itachi. Naruto tries his best to reason with his friend but in the end, it was for nothing. Little does Naruto know, the events taken place are steps needed to become the Ultimate Ninja. Naruto X Tayuya

  • Birth of the Second Flash

    Naruto, an eight year old boy without any family what so ever. He befriends one of the strongest members of the Uchiha family and is given a special gift. As Naruto performs his pranks and causes chaos, Naruto is assigned a babysitter that is ordered to make him grow up. Unfortunately, Naruto and his sensei don't seem to be found of each other. How will Naruto make out in the end?

  • Rise of the Ninja

    The story of Naruto takes a different turn when the bright, optimistic, orange wearing knucklehead is replaced by a cold and darker ninja. This is a story of how this dark shinobi rises and becomes the hero of not only the leaf, but the entire world.

  • Rise of the Ninja

    Naruto Uzumaki was an orphan with no parents until the Snake Mistress decided to adopt him. While he is being raise, Naruto's learning the realities about life and learning to follow the footsteps of his adoptive mother. Naruto's life as a ninja is much different than those of a similar age. The life Naruto is about to experience will be an adventure never before seen.

  • Ultimate Ninja's birth

    Naruto's life had been filled with loneliness and hatred. When he meets a long lost family member and is united with a person whom he shares a deep connection with, Naruto takes his training up a notch. Through his journey, he is determined to become the Ultimate Ninja.

  • what if Nartuo was a natural born prodigy

    Naruto isn't the typical 7 year old child. In fact, he is everything but a child. With the abilities of a high jounin and mindset of a kage, Naruto is going to be forced to enter the ninja world. Little does anyone know, he's a mixture of two special bloodlines that give him power beyond all. He and his sisters are assigned to a sensei who is determined to bring the best in Naruto.

  • What if Naruto was adopted by the Anbu Black Ops

    Naruto was taken in by the Anbu. During his time, he will be training directly under the psychotic Anko Miterasi. While she may be a psycho, she finds a soft spot for Naruto. During his time at the academy, Naruto revealed his skills was put on a team. Not longer after he was quickly promoted to the Anbu and Naruto has a secret only three people know.