

  • Harry's Minerva

    Harry and Minerva have been friends since she started training him during the Triwizard Tournament. Now, Sirius is dead and Harry's learned some disturbing information about himself, his connection to Voldemort, and Dumbledore's intentions and plans for him. He's going to need Minerva to survive this war. But, neither of them predicted falling in love.

  • The Time Harry Stole Lucius's Wife

    Harry has just lost his godfather and he is ready for a break from everything before he loses his mind. Unfortunately for him, now he has to deal with being the lord of two houses and learning what that means while also coming to terms with a family secret that's been hidden for years. A surprise marriage contract makes things even more interesting.

  • Saving People Pays Off Sometimes

    When Harry saves the three witches of the Delacour family, he activates a rare Veela phenomenon. Now his life just got even more complicated and he has many things to figure with little time to do so. Despite this, he's about to find out that saving people does pay of sometimes.