

  • Negah Nakon

    Sequel to Eeman. Negah Nakon means "don't look back". Harry is about to turn 16, and he is finding out more things about himself. Mostly from his point of view, but Hermione gets the chance sometimes. Drarry (non-slash). Why are more people discovering their latent magic? No beta. Notes in first chapter. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

  • Negah Nakon

    Sequel to Eeman begins just prior to Harry's 16th birthday. He makes several discoveries about himself. Told mostly from his perspective, although Hermione gets a chance now and then. Drarry (no slash). Lots of latent magic wielders. No beta. Also posted on ao3. Do not copy elsewhere.

  • Eeman (Safe)

    Harry is ten years old, and the zoo incident never happens. Before it can happen, Vernon Dursley really loses his temper and Harry loses his leg. Petunia eventually redeems herself. Harry is taken in by the Grangers. It's the kind of story I would love to read, so I decided to write my own. Also posted on ao3. First time posting fanfic. Please be kind.