

  • A Flame can Ignite a Wildfire

    Harry and Hermione are killed during the final battle and are sent back to the Marauders Era, reborn as Hermione and Harry Flamel, children to Perenelle and Nicholas Flamel. Destiny and Fate are thrown into chaos, seeing as the twins have changed everything by simply being born. After all, they say a flame can ignite a wildfire.

  • Persona

    Michelle Obama once said, "Everyone carries their own history, and that alone deserves to be respected." A series of character studies written for the characters of Harry Potter. Rather self-explanatory, I think.

  • I Loved Her Too

    He loved her long before Sirius fell in love with her too. He loved her so much she destroyed him. She was what eventually forced him to the road of darkness. Marauders era AU. SB/HG.

  • Flawed Lovers

    "One light and One dark. So beautiful, so flawless. Yet they are flawed. They make a beautiful pair, my Flawed Lovers." Dramione, AU.