

  • Art and Ink

    Kingsley has tattoos. Harry takes note.

  • Deconstructing Fate

    The thing was, Regulus was deeply in love with James, which meant that even when he was acting like a right royal brat, Regulus sort of had to put up with it.

  • Off Limits

    Sirius squinted at him. "How long has this been going on?"

  • Every Dark Thing

    It's hard to find the time to go on actual dates in the zombie apocalypse, but James and Regulus make the time.

  • Sheer Dumb Luck

    Running from the law does not necessarily mean you cannot stop to pet a cat or two. Or, indeed, adopt one.

  • Unique Strain

    Regulus catches a cold despite being a big, strong vampire, James pinballs between taking care of him and making fun of him, and Remus is just there to suffer.

  • The Bloody Letter

    James and Regulus chase a ghost story all the way to an abandoned hospital, and find a little more than they bargained for.

  • Cream Horns and Company

    Ron visits an old friend, armed with baked goods.

  • Red Fire, Broken Wire

    Murder was the currency of the circus.

  • Mockingbird

    James Potter moves into a new house, but something else is already living there.

  • An Old Man's Woes

    A letter to the lost.

  • Sleep Wrings Its Hands

    Blaise heads into town the morning after the dream sweeps the land.

  • Toadally Embarrassing

    In which toads are purchased, embarrassing questions are asked, and the theatrical performances of disgruntled teenagers are indulged.

  • Worth Knowing

    Falling from heaven is nothing compared to the agony of falling for Remus bloody Lupin.

  • Grown Up Thing

    And there is something all fairies do that is never spoken about, never whispered about.

  • Airborne

    Their plan for stopping the apocalypse certainly errs on the side of foolish, rather than fool proof.

  • Home, I Think

    Perhaps he is a Hero who has known many things and seen many horrors, and he does not need soothing or singing to sleep. Or perhaps he is a boy named Harry who became a Hero, and needs a place with a warm fire and a window seat to call home.

  • Sweltering

    It's too hot to do anything except complain about how hot it is, and perhaps ogle your boyfriend.

  • Take It Easy

    Regulus is recklessly devoted to finding his missing brother, and forgets to take care of himself. But the world of Teyvat is a dangerous place, and it pays to have friends who aren't afraid of talking some sense into you.

  • Under The Surface

    The soldiers said the Sea Witch's cave was full of dark, noxious magic. They said she kept the tails of mermaids that dared to cross her path pinned to her wall. They said she wore their scales like jewellery. With every inch of the cave highlighted with pale light, it is easy for Fleur to see that none of that is true.