
  • I would know you anywhere

    Tamsin Riddle and Harry Potter had promised each other forever. When Harry dies during their 5th year, Tamsin decides it really doesn't matter which universe's Harry keeps that promise. Fem!Harry/Fem!Tom. Crossposted from AO3.

  • The Adventure of Ravenclaw's Diadem

    After a freak time accident, Harry finds herself stranded in 1952 Albania while a young Voldemort is still searching for Ravenclaw's Diadem. How hard can it be to find one tree in a forest? Harry would probably find it to be a lot easier if Voldemort could stop almost getting herself killed already and possibly destroying the timeline. Fem!Harry/Fem!Tom. Crossposted from AO3.

  • Best Friends Forever

    Harry Potter finds a lost diary and makes friends with Tom Riddle, an orphan girl just like her. Everything would be great if only the petrifications would stop. Fem!Harry/Fem!Tom. Oneshot. Cross post from AO3.