

  • The Best Mistake

    After a night out with friends, Hermione comes home to find her grumpy half-kneazle purring happily while being cuddled by a handsome drunk stranger. She does what any sensible witch would do in her place...she lets him stay the night.

  • Something To Talk About

    She found herself hoping that somehow Lavender and Parvati were right - that Fred did fancy her. Because she had certainly fallen for him.

  • The Pick-Up Artist

    How Harry had thought that gifting Fred Weasley a book of muggle pick-up lines for Christmas was a good idea was beyond her. Hermione knew the instant the book was unwrapped that it was a bad idea. What she wasn't prepared for was being the only one that Fred chose to test the pick-up lines on.

  • What Happens Next

    Ginny had said that it was long overdue for her to just experience and enjoy life again. Well, she certainly hadn't had a problem following that advice. She had allowed herself one moment of weakness, and now…Hermione stared down at the golden light that surrounded her still flat stomach. Pregnant.

  • Cor Meum et Animam

    Soulmates. After being in the wizarding world for almost six full years, Hermione couldn't help but feel let down, hurt, and frustrated. She had never come across this in her reading. Had never even heard anyone mention it until now. How had she not known? Things change when Professor McGonagall teaches her sixth-year Transfiguration students the spell to reveal their soulmates.