
  • A Summer Fling

    It started out as a summer fling, sweet, innocent, full of life. Then they find out the truth. They aren't just Harry and Rose. Neither told the truth about their identities'. They weren't Harry Dursley and Rose Tonks. They're two completely different people.

  • Sorted

    Crappy title, I'm very much aware. Just a little one shot of some of the Disney princesses, Jack Frost, and our favorite dragon riders are sorted..

  • My Sisters, The Human and The Vampire

    Selena is Ivy and Olivia's triplet sister. Now, why weren't the three kept together? Simple. Ivy's a vampire, Olivia's human, and Selena's a werewolf.

  • The Salvatore Sister

    Charlotte Salvatore is the eldest Salvatore. The sassiest Salvatore. The most dangerous Salvatore. She's also been on the run for a hundred years from her brother-in-law after a mistake.

  • Rose Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Rose Potter lives in a world where soulmates are very much real. A world of magic and fate. Add to the fact she's the little sister of Harry Potter and then the danger really adds up. And this is just her first year.

  • Christabelle Black and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Christabelle Black and her adopted brother have been together their entire lives. Until a half-giant showed up and informed her of her heritage. Join her journey into her magic.

  • The Hybrid

    Charlotte Rosamett Cullen was Renesmee's twin sister. Half-Vampire and Half-Werewolf, she's probably the most powerful of the coven. Now, at twenty years old, she's being sent off to live with her mother's extended family after a particularly gruesome display. Now, she's with a cousin she can't stand and a town slowly filling with supernaturals.

  • The Gilbert Demon

    Nineteen-year-old Roxanne Gilbert was never supposed to die. She was supposed to stay alive until she was twenty-one but one accident changed everything.

  • The Evil and the Thief

    When the next generation of Descendants visits Blaise's grandparents, they never expected to stay more than a day. In fact, Blaise didn't expect to stay more than an hour. Then a snowstorm traps her, her boyfriend, her crush, and her two best friends. See what happens to the group of friends.

  • I'm Looking For A Story

    I'm Looking For A Story

  • Lily and Petunia Attend Hogwarts Together

    Petunia Dursley is a witch, the daughter of Dudley and his wife. She goes to Hogwarts; no knowledge of her real family and many things are in store for her. A War, a love, and a new family.

  • The Other Potter

    Miranda Potter is Harry's twin sister. she's not anything like her brother from her deep red hair down to her black leather boots, she doesn't seem a thing like a brother. Then they figure out how alike they really are.

  • Swan's Love

    Bella Swan is eighteen. Eighteen with triplets. Three year old triplets. She loves them but wishes she wasn't judged by the fact she has them. Then she meets him. He doesn't judge.

  • The Other Swan

    Nicole Swan isn't like her sister. She's the exact opposite of everything that her twin is. Her sister is the good one and she's the demon child. Ignored. All her life.