

  • The Tale Of Depravity: Super Depravity Brothers

    ah family drama, musical numbers, killer robots and a little bit of magic. over all seems like a well balanced trip! soulbound: ... you know at first I was baffled but after looking close I finally understand gp: understand what? soulbound: where she gets it from gp: daw- HEY! (Part 6)

  • The Tale Of Depravity: Dragonronpa

    *epic narrator voice*: 2 freinds 15ish students 1 killing game their goal? SURVIVE! makoto: what are you doing siramay: oh! sorry i was useing my narrator voice to talk about are adventures im a certified narrator yaknow? makoto: oh neat siramay: CONTIUE THE TALE OF DEPRAVITY

  • The Tale Of Depravity: The Tragedy

    in our tale of depravity the events of the tragedy did happen and this is how it went down (Part 4)