
  • Rick and Morty: Mortimer

    The Birth of Morty.

  • Rick and Morty: Blessing

    Beth and Jerry tell Rick they want to get married…things don’t go well.

  • Rick and Morty: Suprise

    Young Beth and Rick trying to live without Beth’s mom.

  • TMNT Parents - Leo- Strict

    How Leo is with his kids.

  • Rick and Morty: Rick and Beth

    Rick finds out that Jerry got his teenage daughter pregnant

  • Serpent, Witch,…Silly Red Bird

    Karai Office a life changine job to April but April’s not sure she wants it.

  • Bambi and Great Prince

    Bambi, his mother, and his father, before and after, bambi’s mother’s deatg

  • Dragons: How Igneel Met Atlas Flame

    Igneel meets Atlas Flame

  • Dragons: Truth

    Natsu asks Igneel about Ignia

  • Dragons: Natsu VS Acnologia

    Natsu fights Acnologia

  • TMNT NEXT GEN: Bad Guy

    Mikey’s wife Eva was tired of always having to be the bad guy so she convinced Mikey to discipline Molly for the first time. Mikey has no idea what to do so he called the only person who would, the person who knew the importance of displine better than anyone…..Splinter. The are on the cover isn’t mine and i don’t own TMNT

  • TMNT: Shinigami and Casey - The Birth Of Arnie and Andy

    After Shinigami gave birth to her beautiful boys, she decided to go visit her father who she hasn’t seen in years. She really didn’t want to but after Casey convinced, she agreed and things really didn’t turn out like she expect. The picture on the cover isn’t mine!

  • Dragons: Secret and Lava Cakes

    Igneel is hiding something from Natsu who is suspicious of Igneel’s behavior but he isn’t ready to talk about it. Luckily, Happy helps him out.

  • Dragons: Ryu

    Igneel goes see his father, seeking help after 3000 years of not speaking with each other.

  • Dragons: Igneel VS Acnologia

    Igneel returns after being gone for 7 years and fights Acnologia while he sends Natsu to get the book of E.N.D.

  • Dragons: How It All Started

    Igneel fights Acnologia and lost everything but…he found something much better.

  • Dragons: Lucy’s and Natsu’s Loss

    Lucy lost her father and was unable to leave her apartment for while. Natsu knows what Lucy is going through so he tries to cheer her up, can he do it?

  • Dragons: Natsu VS Gajeel

    This is going to be short stories about Igneel and Natsu. I don’t plan on killing Igneel in this.