
  • Breakout Into Song

    Whether its Aether or Lumine as the traveler saving Tevyat, or as the abyss royalty leading the chaos; Both twins find themselves listening to the songs people sing throughout their journey. Hearing their emotions, dreams, or heart felt pleas to the Archons. Regardless, they would somehow end up joining in with the fun. Or Aether and Lumine find spontaneous song numbers in Tevyat.

  • NieR: MHST

    In a world full of monsters and hunters fighting to keep a delicate balance. A boy makes a discovery of a life time that changes his life and makes an unlikely friendship his world has never seen. Secrets are revealed and worlds expand in this journey of bonds and kinship. Pairs include 2B/9S & A2/4S. Rated M for future chapters and mild gore. (Chapter 1 rewritten.)