Prince Cadence wants to be King. He's known that ever since he understood what the word King meant. But to be King against a country's wishes is hardly feasible, so to accelerate the timeline, Cadence holds a selection. After all, if he can get a ring on his finger and a crown on his head, does the thoughts of the particularly loud few even matter? SYOC OPEN
A collection of mini stories from the TGOAC/TGOAM verse because I have absolutely no self-control and way too much time on my hands. Now, because I had way too much fun writing these, we are sharing them!
Princess Carolynn isn't one for old traditions, especially not the selection. Why should she be when she has done what very few royals had? Find her own boyfriend. Of course, a disgraced British royal doesn't look good in the country's eyes, so she embarks on a sham of a selection. Unfortunately for her, things never really go according to plan. (Sequel to TGOAC)