
  • Arkham Knight: New Hopes

    (Probably WOULD have been a good idea to start in origins but. . explanation in story) One night. . Batman has one night to stop scarecrow. .But as he does that. . his teammates help to find and take down other supervillains throughout the city. and some are. . unusual. Even for Gotham

  • War for cybertron and other worlds: Gaining allies

    (The main story is about the war, this is just how each world joined the war) What was once a war for one world, became a war for thousands. . Now, we experience the beginning. . And the valiant heroes and villains on both sides, fight to the end

  • Birds of War

    (Big thanks, to other users for help. VERY AU). Before and during the war.. Experiments were held.. Now.. Years after their creation, six children, with a big secret, are drafted. But they're in good hands. Assigned to the 4077