SEVEN is a very powerful number in The Wizarding World. This is the story of Marauders and Valkyries (Lily, Marlene, Mary) as they began their fifth year at Hogwarts, and how they struggle and fight with Voldemort and Death Eaters. A story of love, friendships, adventures, fun, struggles, hatred, war, and of course PRANKS. Get to know what made James Potter change and why he hates
Three people fell in love, James, Lily and Severus, and their love remained secret for obvious reasons. A happy, funny, romantic, fluff and heartwrenching story of three lovers. James, Lily and Severus love each other with their soul but they can't take it to the public. Snape was forced to work as a death eater to spy. Nearly TRUE TO CANNON. (ONESHOT) (COMPLETED)
James takes Lily on a date. With a little help from the Marauders, he plans a perfect date and then proposes to Lily.
Lily agreed to date James but they decided to keep it secret for a while. See how James reacts the next day and expresses his happiness to the entire school and covers up his kiss with Lily in The Great Hall to make sure no one can notice them. (ONESHOT)
One-shot of James and Lily founding out that they're soulmates. It's true soulmates are not made in have but are made on earth after a lot of love and devotion. ENJOY!
What happens before and after the incident in 'The Prince's Tale' when Lily confronted Snape about Mulciber and Avery? This one-shot happens before the 'MUDBLOOD' incident and has resulted in their friendship breaking apart before Snape put the final nail in the coffin by calling her 'Mudblood.'