Milunax Lynao

  • The Mishima Bloodline: Façade Play

    Lee Chaolan, the street child that lived off from stealing and fighting for his life daily - was suddenly adopted by Heihachi Mishima. One of the world's most powerful and richest men in the world. Taking him away from China so he could live with his now adopted and older brother Kazuya, how will they all live with each? How will their lives change as another family member is added

  • A Thousand Cranes

    Jin Kazama had everything fame, fortune, skills and power. Anything that a man could ever hope and dream for, he could get within a blink of an eye. But, there was always this one catch. And with a war going on, started by Jin himself - will he be able to set things straight or lose sight of what's really important? [{ XiaoJin - SemiAU }]

  • Your Guardian Angel

    With a war at hand, started by Jin Kazama himself - Xiaoyu is distressed and confused on how she should take and fix everything, she has her family and friends to worry about. But, what about Jin? What about her first love whom she still cares for so dearly? She has tried to save him way too many times already, but she still pursues to it. Believing that Jin will come back.

  • A Day like Dolls

    Oh no! Asuka has suddenly changed personality and is acting very ladylike like Lili! How shall events like this turn out? Did the blonde have anything to do with this? Or is some sort and form of trickery just lurking around? [{ Asuka X Lili - AsuLili - Yuri - Drabble / Short fic }]

  • Being Flexible whilst having Talented Hands

    Hwoarang is unamused and complaining by the fact that Steve isn't at all as flexible as he is. [{ Hwoarang X Steve - HwoaSteve - YAOI - PWP }]

  • My Spirit Doll

    World famous doll maker Takashima Uruha is sick and tired of always working and has decided to take it slow and make his own dolls at his vacation province. But, what happens when a certain mountain spirit ends up crashing into his vacation home? Will Uruha ever get some peace or will he find an interest in the mysterious mountain spirit? [ UruhaXJin - The GazettE X ScReW - YAOI ]

  • To Place the Pieces Together

    It wasn't actually all that complicated at first, but ever since Hwoarang and Lili had started dating - Steve's been left alone more than, often by his bestfriend. They never really thought of each other as more than, friends or are they both just too afraid to admit it? [{ Hwoarang X Steve - HwoaSteve - AU - YAOI }]