Sheo Darren

  • Black Phoenix

    "Once upon a time," began a blood sport fairy tale, "There were twins siblings, a boy and a girl. Their names were Hansel and Gretel…"

  • Pacific Rim: Alternative Total Eclipse

    The blockbuster movie of 2014! Starring Top Tsun, Kazusa (who again?), and Yuurei Yuuya, with special appearances by Turkish Rambo, the Mage Killer, and the King of All Monsters. Warning: Excessive YAMATO DAMASHII is bad for your health. (A Pacific Rim x Muv-Luv: Alternative Total Eclipse crack fic.)

  • The Kotomine Gene OMAKE

    Crack fic spin-off of The Kotomine Gene. Featuring "Damn you, Decade, Destroyer of Worlds!", stolen quotes from Guardians of the Galaxy, Kyouko Route, the Author getting shot, and Anglican super sentai. Advance Merry Christmas.

  • The Kotomine Gene

    Blood runs thicker than water. The Fourth Grail War is nigh. This is the start of darkness for Kyouko, daughter of Kirei Kotomine, bearer of his gene.

  • Domino Effect

    Claes found her day quite agreeable– up until she stumbled across a particular Google entry and followed the link to the horror created by a smut writer with a terribly terrific imagination. A spin-off (sort of) of the earlier story "Admissions", six years in the making. NOT part of either version of the "Life Goes On" fanverse.