
  • Cobra Strikes

    A determined young Elysian girl finds herself in the claws of the cunning Agent M. Kruger. Protea struggles to understand this otheriwse violent mercenary when he not only shows her mercy, but also reveals vulnerable fragments of himself. Captivated and cautious, Protea finds herself on an emotional roller coaster, flipping between love and loathing for the venemous Kruger.

  • Prawn Life

    After assuring Christopher Johnson and his boy got to the spaceship safely, Wikus is left fighting for his life as he continues his transformation into a prawn. Only time will tell if Christopher will stay true to his promise and not only save his people, but save Wikus as well. For now, Wikus will have to adjust to life as a fugitive and as a prawn.

  • Hunting Party

    Let it not be said that predators of different regions cannot hunt in the same one. Dexter, the one born in blood. Hannibal, the other with peculiar tastes. Though different, both are a kin to darkness. Will these two iconic killers resolve to keep themselves hidden or will they simply kill each other?

  • A Crown of Thorns, A Heart of Glass

    Guilt is a wretched thing, a thing that hinders morality and pushes one to the brink of insanity. It makes us vie for intangible forgiveness, battling our conscience with a tyrannical hand. Stefan sinks into a place of darkness after he takes Maleficent's wings, and finds himself unable to cope with the guilt of tearing her apart. (P.o.v of Stefan)