• Poor London Is Falling

    2Pverse. During the Blitz the allies go to check on Oliver to make sure he is somewhat stable.

  • Growing Up Rogue

    Hartley has been left in the Rogue's care how will Hartley cope? How will the Rogue's cope? Let's find out! Rated T due to later chapter, nothing graphic, but just to be safe.

  • Monster

    A musical drabble, England has a difficulty with the thing inside of him at times. It likes to come out and play.

  • Does No One Care?

    The colonies left as they felt they were being smotherd by England, but did they ever think of what it would do to him? Did they not care?

  • To Lose What Is Lost

    This is the second follow up story to 'Insanity Is My Only Companion' in which is where Arthur is found too late to be saved.

  • To Prove Them Wrong

    Anyway, this is a England centered fic. On England's Hetaoni wiki page it is said he is the country to die the most, which leads to me thinking he feels guilty for something, or wishes to prove the idea that he is selfish wrong. It is sad and England dies a lot you have been warned. It goes through multiple time loops. Cover Image is my own art.

  • To Fix What Is Broken

    This is one of two stories that will look at the possible outcomes of the story 'Insanity Is My Only Companion'. This one looks at what if Arthur was found before he died.

  • Loyalties and Favorites

    America has gained his independence and Canada want to stop his family from falling apart, however he take England's side wanting to stop England from losing any more family.

  • Cold War Alliances

    When Britain becomes a communist country at the start of the Cold War, it does not stay Cold for long due to America's fear of communism spreading. Ruseng/RusUK oneshot. Brought on by history presentation where me and my friend chose to present about the cold war. We made puppets of hetalia nations to show help us.(mainly because we wanted to, we didn't really use them)

  • Burn It To The Ground

    A Gereng one shot. Therefore contains slash, don't like it? Then don't read it. You have been warned. Nothing over mature, but does have implications. This was written while listening to the Nickleback song of the same name as the title. England and Germany have a routine after WW2, when the routine changes how will they handle it?

  • Insanity Is My Only Companion

    England finds himself in a questionable state of sanity and no companions but the voice in his head and his visions brought on by the black magic he practices. As they say sins cast long shadows.

  • Spectre At The Feast

    Scorpion is stuck in the Netherrealm, while Quan Chi and his warriors are invading the Earthrealm, while this happens Scorpion finds himself musing. Rated T for slight reference to blood and gore. No idea of the Genres, it doesn't really have one. Enjoy.