Harley Godwin

  • Through My Veins

    Luna is a Breton who used to take residence on the outskirts of Bruma in Cyrodiil, but when she found herself caught in an ambush along the border of Skyrim she was sent to Helgen where she first learnt of the ongoing war. After the Companions helped her get back on her feet she dedicates her studies in the College of Winterhold to finding a cure for Lycanthropy...

  • Things I Should Not Do In Hogwarts

    Erin Bane spent her first year in Hogwarts struggling as a muggle-born witch in Slytherin, she became the class clown. Erin spent her second year accepting that she doesn't have to please Slytherin house because she is not the 'correct' blood type. In her third year, Erin realizes she's getting into trouble a lot more and now she knows what she shouldn't do in Hogwarts.