

  • Running

    One last Apparition and she should be there. Another deep breath in—she could have sagged with relief at the sight of the spotless white backsplash. There was a piercing scream, and Harry cried out at the sound. Lily sank to the floor, Petunia was here, and her big sister would be able to solve her problems.

  • Talking to the Dead

    Talking to the dead was its own kind of torture, especially when they had been so vibrant while living.

  • Underneath the Weeping Willow

    It is summer, and the loneliness of it makes my heart ache in a way no other season does. I can still taste the lemonade in her kisses and I wonder if this is it, if stolen kisses underneath the Weeping Willow are all we were ever allowed to be.

  • Bad Feminism

    Lavender Brown wears pink and that does not make her a bad feminist. Slightly AU

  • Good People

    It was a dreary, cloudy day, and that didn't help Cho's dread for this meeting. While she was used to meeting up with parents, Hermione Granger-Weasley was not just another parent.

  • Burdened Souls

    Lily is not an empath. She doesn't feel the emotions of the world bombard her, the way most people assume. She chooses not to feel them. Which is an unusual way to go about one's emotions when one has shared their soul with others. A/N: Can be read as a sequel to Blood Oaths

  • Blood Oaths

    Lily was ten when she first slit her right palm for a blood oath.

  • Self-help

    It doesn't matter how many self-help books Cho reads, it still feels like her fault.

  • Abandoned Romance

    "We should get a divorce," Percy said, staring at the whiteboard. "I agree," Audrey replied.

  • Lucky Number Four

    Four had always been their lucky number.

  • You brought me here

    Lily and Severus have one last argument before their friendship officially ends.

  • Trevor and the Egg

    Trevor sitting on a chicken egg should have made a lot of red flags go off in Neville's mind.

  • Making Lemonade

    Bill wasn't sure what to tell his mum when she first turned Ron to face him. The action of meeting a little brother wasn't new to him. What did feel new was the overwhelming sense of responsibility that he felt over this new baby.

  • The friendship

    Lily was sure of it. She kept up with the ongoing Quidditch around Hogwarts, and it was simply an objective fact. Severus was a good flier, a great Keeper, and the Slytherin team had a spot open for just the position.

  • Up again

    Alicia never thought that she would play Quidditch after Hogwarts. But from the moment she saw her first Falmouth Falcon's game, she knew she was destined to play again.

  • I put my fate in your hands

    Fenrir has had to fight for every inch of freedom that he currently enjoys. But his methods have had repercussions, and now, Lavender is asking him to choose between his pride and his people.

  • Colin's Birthday

    Dennis is angry at Harry and they have a conversation about it over a meal.

  • Sleepovers

    In which Ron introduces sleepovers to his Gryffindor dormmates and watches as sleepovers slowly bring them together. A story told in seven sleepovers.

  • Disciplinary Hearings

    Padma doesn't know what else she has, other than her Auror job. However, her actions might have just put her entire career under threat.

  • The Mourners

    The DA is a cult that Hermione helped create. However, the funerals Hermione is obligated to go to forces her to confront how her actions, through the DA, have led to the loss of young lives and a post-war society that has her fingerprints all over it.