
  • Before We Turn to Stone

    3rd of The Eden Trilogy/sequel to I Know You Know Who I Am. War has once again descended on Wizarding Europe, and Leolin & Draco struggle to save their world from the oppressive New Empire. They quickly learn that freedom isn't free, & its cost may be more than they're willing to pay. To quell the darkness, they will be forced to choose between what is right, and what is easy...R&R

  • Like A Lonely House--A Love Story Told in Nineteen Parts

    Companion to the 1st two stories of the Eden Trilogy. A series of first-person vignettes that start at the beginning of Enemy and chronicle the story of Ginny and Blaise through the end of I Know You Know. Major spoilers for both stories, so beware. M for foul language, sex, rock n' roll...all the good stuff. R&R!

  • I Know You Know Who I Am

    2nd of Eden Trilogy/Sequel to Enemy of My Enemy. 5 years later, Leolin returns to find everything has changed and Draco is engaged to another woman. She struggles to win back his love & trust while facing the demons of her past. As darkness begins to fall, she realises she might have to choose between the man she loves and rescuing the world from a familiar evil...REVISED! RE-READ!

  • Enemy of My Enemy

    1st of Eden Trilogy: *FULLY REVISED* Post-war, Draco had everything he wanted, save the girl who got away. When Harry starts dating her, Draco fights to win her back. Meanwhile, the world they thought they saved from darkness begins to crumble, forcing new alliances. In times of peril, one must trust the enemy of one's enemy...IMPORTANT NEW INTRODUCTION PERTAINING TO IKYK. READ IT.