
  • But it was a dream---

    Chihiro's life is a mess. She is on the verge of a breakdown when the unimaginable happens. Her love from so long ago appears. What will she do? She thought it had been a dream...Chihiro/Haku

  • Midnight meetings- Ashitaka and San

    Ashitaka so plagued by nightmares of the forest spirits death, and San appears in the most unexpected way to comfort him-please review and I will love you forever! I don't own Princess Mononoke, or any studio ghibli movie for that matter

  • I will bring you the sky, my dear

    An oc joins the military seeking the wealth that would allow him to wed his true love, but soon he and the world suffers the wrath of a king who rules without compassion

  • Katniss and the Doctor

    "See! I told you, not hallucinating! No traced of tracker jacker venom-" he's stops and glances at me when I hold up a finger. "Who the hell are you?" I ask, trying to discreetly reach around for some thing to defend myself with. The strange man smiles. "I'm the Doctor."