

  • Your Humble Servant

    Still raw from his recent defeat, Jareth has gathered his subjects together after they return from their victory party with Sarah. His anger is great, but the stupidity of the goblins is greater... One-shot.

  • Consequences of Falling

    After years of scheming, the Goblin King has finally tricked Sarah back Underground. He allows her to flee; enjoying the chase. But as she falls deeper into his trap than he had intended, Jareth must struggle against his dark nature to ensure that she will be his forever. A Gothic Romance (with a twist). Jareth's POV. COMPLETE (FOR REALSIES)

  • The Wisdom of the Wiseman

    How do the denizens of the Labyrinth entertain themselves when there are no runners? The Fireys are happy to dance the ages away, the Worms drink endless cups of tea… and the Wiseman spends his time writing haikus (the wisest of all poems). Here we have compiled a collection of his poetry, giving us a unique glimpse into the mind of a (confused) genius. HUMOROUS POETRY. Enjoy!