
  • From a Distance

    Even when they're apart, Buffy and Angel still shape each other's experiences. Begins between BtVS seasons two and three and concludes between 7.08 "Sleeper" and 7.09 "Never Leave Me." Bangel.

  • Days That Are To Come

    Buffy used to always think of her happiest days as being behind her. Set during "Chosen." Little bit of current Spuffy, little bit of past Bangel.

  • Steps

    Dawn decides it's time to start having Thanksgiving again and there may or may not be a reunion in Buffy's future. Polyfidelity Spuffel (S/B/A) Shares a 'verse with "Those Things."

  • Living in the Lack of Luxury

    Spike violates the first rule of haunted house investigation. Season ten, after 10.07 "I Wish, Part Two."

  • Heartbeat

    Buffy wants to believe Tara, she really does. But she knows she's wrong. 6.13 "Dead Things."

  • Quietly

    Buffy comforts Spike in between headaches and does her best to stay quiet. Spuffy. 7.13 "The Killer in Me."

  • Another Person

    Faith's reformed. A new woman. Or so she says. Buffy's not entirely ready to just accept that and put their past behind them. Set during 7.18 "Dirty Girls."

  • Inside and In-between

    The man who hides behind the monster and the monster who hides behind the man and Buffy's in love with them both of them and all of them, finally. Spuffel. Post-series.

  • The Scariest Thing There Is

    Angel's losing so much, so quickly. It can't be too long until he's alone. Gen. Shortly after 5.16 "Shells."

  • Summertime Suffering

    Lately, summer has been the season to cause the most pain for Buffy (and Xander). Spuffy. Post-series.

  • April

    April is the worst month of all. Gen. Post-"Chosen." Drabble.

  • Between the Two of Us

    Angel and Spike aren't going to just sit by and let The Immortal run off with their girl. Between the two of them they're sure to prove, once and for all, whom Buffy belongs with. Spuffy. Bangel. Buffy/other. Starts after Ats 5.20 "The Girl in Question" and continues post series, based on season eight.

  • Her Own

    Tara moves out of Revello and back to campus. 100 word drabble. Between 6.08 "Tabula Rasa" and 6.09 "Smashed."

  • Filling Holes

    There's this hole in her head. 100 word drabble. 6.07 "Once More, with Feeling."