
  • Sunrise

    Dawn knows it was supposed to be her. Set shortly after 5.22 "The Gift."

  • Regrets

    Willow has her regrets, especially about her relationships. Willow/Oz, Willow/Tara, Willow/Kennedy. Post-season eight. (Could be read as AU post-"Chosen.")

  • A Different Perspective

    Willow screws up a spell. Buffy's wigged. Spike's ready to take full advantage. Spuffy. Early season six-ish.

  • Cold

    For just a heartbeat, she doesn't quite expect his skin to be cold. Bangel. 1.19 "Sanctuary."

  • The Last One

    Out of all of them, she was the only one they didn't expect. Short post-NFA. Gen.

  • Listen

    Tara's the one person Buffy felt most comfortable confiding in and her death doesn't change that. Some Spuffy and Tillow. Set between 7.04 "Help" and 7.05 "Selfless."

  • It's Sweet

    Spike finally shares some of his poetry with Buffy. Post-series. Spuffy.

  • Here Alone Together

    After the battle against Wolfram and Hart, Spike and Angel find themselves alone, but not alone enough. Post-NFA.

  • Necessary Truths

    Giles goes through with the truth spell and the gang asks Spike some pressing questions. Just not ones about the Initiative. During a slightly altered 4.09 "Something Blue."

  • Red Heart

    Willow's Valentine's Day experiences have varied greatly through the years. Willow/Oz Willow/Tara Willow/Kennedy Willow/Aluwyn

  • Neither One

    The cavemen came out of the ground. The astronauts come out of the sky. A few hours after "Not Fade Away."

  • Ruins

    Buffy faces another outfit ruined by messy demon goo. Set during season two.

  • Anticipation

    The day after Spike declares his love for her is Valentine's Day, and Buffy is not looking forward to what he might do to celebrate. Set the day after 5.14 "Crush."

  • Like Other Girls

    Buffy never wanted to be like other Slayers, but she did want to be like other girls. Saffy (and past Buffy/other canon ships). Set during 8.12 "Wolves at the Gate, Part One."

  • Never Be Friends

    Buffy gets ready to head back home after swooping in to help save LA and discovers that saying goodbye hasn't gotten easier yet. Bangel. Post-NFA.

  • Not a Roadtrip

    Sometimes it's like Buffy's the only one who takes this whole apocalypse thing seriously. Post-series.

  • Ways of Wallow

    It doesn't take long at all for Buffy to regret her attempts at drowning her sorrows. Set during 6.05 "Life Serial."

  • King's Pet

    Buffy isn't just going to let Illyria take what she wants. Not without a fight. Post-NFA. Spuffy.

  • Suspend

    Buffy's entrance into the underworld ends up being a bit less epic than she'd intended. Set at some point after 8.05 "The Chain."

  • Always

    After everything they've been through, it's getting harder for Angel to imagine Buffy still loving him. Set during early season nine/season one of Angel and Faith. Bangel.