
  • Young Avengers

    James and Lily did the smart thing and left Harry in Bruce's care while the war against Voldemort raged on. Harry ends up staying in Bruce's(and the rest of the Avengers) care for sixteen years. When Harry returns to the wizarding world he brings along a few friends and abilities.

  • Darling

    Nico really becomes a part of the little big three when he loses his memories. And then, there's the problem of him being nabbed by some avian freak named Max. Jason/Nico/Piper threesome. Jasico Valentine Day fic.

  • Milky Way

    Benjamin moves to the extra ordinary town of Little Whinging and finds the most extraordinary little boy.

  • Spongebob Headphones

    When Anubis was summoned to the graveyard he expected a wailing spirit. He did not expect Sally Jackson's young son nor did he expect for him to be the child's guardian.

  • Adrian

    You aren't getting any sleep tonight. Tri-Writing Tournament.

  • Puerile

    Percy tries to give The Talk to Nico. Keyword: tries. Implied slash relationships.

  • Wings to Fly

    And then, Jason felt a sudden gust of wind as two large wings flared from Nico's back. They dwarfed the small boy. Jason thought he was the first to speak although it was more of a guffaw than actual words. Wings! The boy had wings unlike ones he'd ever seen before. Black as night and spotted with white circular moons. Jasico! Hybrid!AU

  • Letters to No One

    Bianca writes a letter and somehow the Stolls come to see Nico as their greatest treasure. Letter Challenge.