
  • I'll be the walls of his heart

    A moment between Francis and Mary after King Henry's death. For the 250th F/M thread over at fanforum!

  • Heart full of wine

    Set after 1x05. "It all runs through her head now, relentlessly. Her fight with Francis. Her kiss with Bash. How she really shouldn't have drank so much."

  • Before we turn to stone

    They had a beautiful life, they did.

  • Crazy

    At the end of any nightmare, real or not, he is always there for her. And that is all the reassurance she needs.

  • Luck

    After two weeks without letters, Mary anxiously waits for news of Francis, and Kenna can't help but count her blessings.

  • Beating heart

    "If I go with her I will be happy, things will be easy again. But then I realize, nothing I've done so far has been easy."

  • Turn our eyes away

    "You say Scotland only has you…I though it had me as well." Set after the end of 1x17, a follow-up to Mary&Francis' conversation.

  • but we're still sleeping like we're lovers

    "It's as if their bodies needed each other's constant touch, even in unconsciousness." Set in the month after the tower incident, between 1x18 and 1x19.

  • Breathe again

    Strange how after months of waiting those last moments were the most agonizing.

  • tangled up

    This is morning for them.

  • Meddling

    "You won't believe the conversation I had with your mother today." Let's pretend Bash came in later.

  • This little home

    Mary is pregnant and on bed rest, and Francis and the troop come to visit her. (Because in a perfect world Francis lives and they are parents to a football team.)

  • Pull

    All he wants to do is love her. DRABBLE

  • Tug of war

    Set in 1x18, Francis comes back to the tower, and Mary and him find other ways to release their anger. Because the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.

  • A reason to smile

    Mary, Francis and the little princes' adventures in the snow. Written for the prompt "snow castles" for the challenge at the M/F thread at Fanforum.

  • Drives you mad

    Or the one where every woman at court is vying for the attention of the King, and it makes his wife livid.

  • I find shelter

    It's like the sky could fall down and she'd still be safe. Written for the challenge at the M/F thread over at fanforum, for the prompt: "shelter from the storm"

  • Bumps in the road

    Francis and Mary try to make the most out of the last moments of their honeymoon…in the carriage on their way back.

  • you're a body I could hold

    "This moment, it belongs to them." Francis and Mary's consummation scene.

  • Not enough

    "No, Francis don't leave me!" She says, but he is already gone. A one shot for Nostradamus' vision in 1x13.