
  • Whatever happens

    "I think I'll stay with you tonight." A little fill in the blank for the night after Mary heard the prophecy.

  • Early in the morning

    Mary is pregnant, and the baby moves around too much. Written for the daily challenge at the F/M thread over at fanforum, for the prompt "Sleep eludes me."

  • of daydreams and nightmares

    What she imagined as a girl and the actual day are very different indeed. Written for the daily challenge at the F/M thread over at fanforum, with the prompt:"wedding day"

  • Each coming night

    "I would go into hell with a smile if it meant I was saving Francis from the flames." Set in 1x08, Mary's thoughts while she couldn't sleep.

  • Our roots are tangled

    Let them enjoy these years, they have no idea what is coming. (A look at Francis&Mary as children.)