
  • Always My Shield

    They protect people thats there job and as such they protect each-other whether it be from an alien invasion or some punk of the street. Cap/Widow one shot enjoy and please leave me a review:)

  • Against the Jedi Code

    Resting a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder Anakin gently but casually reached up and wiped the last tear from her cheek, "Hang in there - A one shot about Ahsoka on the run from the Jedi and Anakin being a great Master (strictly a brother/sister relationship). A little something I thought should have been in the Clone Wars. Please Read and enjoy and I love reviews :)

  • Patch Job

    Blood lose and fatigue started to take her. She cast her eye's to the ground not wanting to admit defeat but not strong enough to fight on. 'Come on Steve,' she willed him to move to somehow get them out of this. Nat/Steve story. Rated T to be safe. Could be seen as romance, could be seen as friendship. I hope you enjoy and please leave me a review:)

  • The Holiday Carol's of the Soldier and the Spy

    Holidays with the Soldier and Spy. 4th of July at Avengers Tower! chapter posted My personal favorite along with the Christmas chapter. Enjoy:)

  • Darkest Night

    As he stood there, his eye's flickering a certain gold, the wind picked up around him and the waves on the shore lapped up over his feet. Trees moaned and creaked behind him and dark clouds twisted in anger above. - A Short FanFic about Merlin right after Arthur's Death. I hope you enjoy and please leave me a review:)

  • Ahsoka's Bad Day

    Despite her Masters persistent optimism Ahsoka was in a very dark mood and not at all excited to report there epic fail to the council. Hope you all enjoy and please leave me a review:)

  • An Evening in Rio

    The sun dipped below the horizon leaving behind brilliant colors that reached out to all ends of the sky. Steve's partner Natasha sat beside him, her eye's closed in delight. A small smile found her lips as a light breeze blew gently across her face. A Steve/Nat one shot, enjoy. Rated k .