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  • Everything to your anything

    Fluffy feels Rizzles first time - except, you know, they're teenagers this time. Girlfriend and girlfriend. Jane has a g!peen, that's all the warning I'm giving you.

  • In Which Ruby Tries to Make Friends

    Keyword: tries. Ruby didn't know what she was setting herself up for after nearly a year of being alone and finding a neat cafe. She was just in search of making friends outside of Beacon in the first step to becoming independent.

  • No Time for Regret

    Based on Trio - heading for angst here: Rachel didn't know that life decided to put her through a trial that she must overcome, aided by love and patience and whatnot. Pairings undecided.

  • (no title yet)

    Yes there will be rizzles. Summary: Jane and Maura have no secrets but what if a secret undoes a lie they've been trying to tell themselves? g!peen, au? idk what else, review - etc